Part of my Life in the Lab Series.
Here I summarise what each of my scientific roles have entailed.
As a Microbiology Team Leader (non sterile laboratory), what does the day entail?
08:30 hrs – Start shift Continue reading
Drawing from over 20 years of industry experience, gain valuable insights and expert perspectives from a trusted microbiology quality assurance leader and internal auditor.
Here I summarise what each of my scientific roles have entailed.
As a Microbiology Team Leader (non sterile laboratory), what does the day entail?
08:30 hrs – Start shift Continue reading
Here I summarise what each of my scientific roles have entailed.
As a Quality Assurance Microbiologist, what does the day entail? Continue reading
IMM3022 Immunocytochemical and Lectin Labelling of Acid Secreting Cells in the Stomach and Kidney
Paul Yeatman
Partner/s: Rachael Davies, Tanya De Jong, AnnalieseSampey, Adreana Lambrinakos, Anna Rentoulis, Steve Argirio, Spiros Foscolos.
Date: 24th August -> 5th October 1994.
Certain organs in the body contain cells, which are involved in acid secretion. In the stomach such cells are called parietal cells and exist in gastric pits contained in the stomach body. (Diagram.1 and Diagram.2). In the kidney such cells are known as intercalated cells, and line the collecting ducts of the kidney. (Diagram.3 and Diagram.4) In both cases, a two-subunit ATP dependent (ATPase) proton pump controls the acid secretion. Continue reading
Here I summarise what each of my scientific roles have entailed.
As a Microbiology Officer, what does the day entail?
08:30 hrs – Start shift Continue reading
Here I summarise what each of my scientific roles have entailed.
As a Microbiology Analyst, what does the day entail? Continue reading
Does Escherichia coli Have A Nose?
Paul Yeatman 1993. Years later I found the paper I was supposed to have found by JF Parkinson and DF Blair. The article below knows nothing of this one .
Introduction Continue reading
The Merits And Dangers Of Using Viral Coat Proteins In Transgenic Plants
Paul Yeatman 1993
Introduction Continue reading
Here I summarise what each of my scientific roles have entailed.
As a Microbiology Technician, what does the day entail? Continue reading