A donation to the Save the Paul Yeatman fund help me with my coffee addiction and also to expand the offerings on this website and my YouTube channel.
In any event, best wishes from me.
Drawing from over 20 years of industry experience, gain valuable insights and expert perspectives from a trusted microbiology quality assurance leader and internal auditor.
A donation to the Save the Paul Yeatman fund help me with my coffee addiction and also to expand the offerings on this website and my YouTube channel.
In any event, best wishes from me.
When it was current, I reviewed the Australian code of good manufacturing practice for medicinal products (16 August 2002) so I was aware of the pertinent details in relation to viable environmental monitoring and testing.
The Australian Code of Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products 2002 was revoked effective from 1 July 2010 and replaced by the PICS Guide for Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products 2009, as adopted in Therapeutic Goods (Manufacturing Principles) Determination No. 1 of 2009. The 2002 GMP Code for Medicinal Products remains available here for comparison purposes. Continue reading
This dates from probably year 10.
The cloning of humans could be useful if it was done correctly. Say you have a terminal heart condition. Instead of waiting for someone else to die before you get a heart (which needs to be matched to your cell type) and then be immunosupressed for the rest of your life, cloning could be done. This can be extended to hands, arms, and whole bodies. Once computers are able to mimic the mind, once could feasibly create a new body and transfer ones consciousness from the old crusty body, to the new and improved version. Continue reading