Part of my Life in the Lab Series.
Here I summarise what each of my scientific roles have entailed.
As a Microbiology Technician, what does the day entail?
13:00hrs -Start shift
- Check daily roster
- Check all validation tags on incubators, thermometers, water baths, laminar flow hoods, air samplers and anything else requiring periodic re-certification
- Check temperature charts for Water For Injection (WFI), pre-stills and anything else that has a chart
- Read previous days’ environmental monitoring media (contact plates, air strips, swabs, print plates, bioburden samples, WFI samples) – record results and bring any out of limit results to the attention of supervisor
- Prepare media (contact plates, air strips, swabs) for mixing and washing room environmental monitoring
- Prepare Schott bottles for WFI / pre-still sampling
14:30hrs – 15 minute break
- Sample WFI from mixing rooms, washing rooms, packing rooms while checking and recording temperature of water
- Return to lab and place sample bottles in fridge
- Process any room monitoring swabs returned from production after wiping down laminar flow hood with sterile wipe ad 70% IPA (monitor cleanrooms while in production if assigned task – here ensure room airlock differentials are within limits and visually inspect everything for integrity)
- Prepare and filter WFI samples
- Prepare and filter bioburden samples (in process samples taken from production, both pre and post filter)
16:00hrs – 45 minute lunch
- Monitor mixing and washing rooms that I’ve decided to do today (I have a week to capture all rooms on a rotational grid basis – again ensure room airlock differentials are within limits and visually inspect everything for integrity)
- More swab processing
- Prepare and filer WFI samples
- Sample production operator’s gown and prints as part of validation and on going certification
- Start autoclave run
- More swab processing
- Determine filling schedule for tomorrow – prepare sampling forms and environmental monitoring media for the next day. Label everything
19:00hrs – 15 minute break
- Place processed samples from today into the appropriate incubator at the appropriate temperature
- Place prepared media for tomorrow into fridge
- Finish off swab processing
- Close laminar flow hoods, wipe down surfaces with 70% IPA, turn off airflow and turn on UV light
- Check autoclave chart to determine if last run suitable. If so, transfer sterilised equipment to storage bay, begin new run if more equipment needs sterilisation
- Dispose of unused melted swab agar
- Ensure waste bins not filled past line
- Check assigned task roster to determine if any tasks remain
- Check fridge to determine if any unprocessed swabs remain (i.e. someone forgot to do their job) – process any remaining samples
- Double check everything done for the day
- Leave handover information for 7am shift
21:30 – Depart for home
Roles Held
Microbiology Technician – Microbiology Analyst – Senior Microbiologist aka “Microbiology Officer” – Quality Assurance Microbiologist – Non Sterile Microbiology Team Leader