Part of my Life in the Lab Series.
Here I summarise what each of my scientific roles have entailed.
As a Microbiology Team Leader (non sterile laboratory), what does the day entail?
08:30 hrs – Start shift
- Check how everyone is going today
- Determine what needs to be done in next two months and delegate
- Spot check equipment calibration labels
- Conduct sampling of Purified Water system if short staffed
- Followup with other departments regarding on going projects
- Update documentation or delegate and meet with subject matter experts
- Check and signoff on environmental monitoring data (worksheets) or delegate
- Ensure any followup sampling has been completed, if not find out why and reschedule
- Interview prospective staff
10:30hrs – 15 minute break
- Check how everyone is going
- Validation and introduction of equipment such as dust containment hoods and flammable liquid containers
- After developing, deliver special training to production, eg Microbiology for non-microbiologists
- Conduct antibiotic potency testing if short staffed (also method trouble shooting)
- Read and record viable environmental monitoring results if short staffed
- Train staff in sampling techniques or delegate
- Pursue special projects or delegate
- Sign off on environmental monitoring data
- Delegate the testing of “urgent samples” and manage expectations of requestor
- Meet with product representatives
- Schedule and chair regional meeting of microbiologists as part of information sharing and method harmonisation
- Conduct performance reviews of team
12:30hrs – 45 minute lunch
- Check how everyone is going
- Schedule or delegate external testing
- Review the regulations for gaps and improvements
- Formulate media if short staffed
- Meeting with production managers, supervisor and filling room staff as part of out of specification results investigation
- Write investigation reports
- Deliver training to team (routine and special)
- Conduct investigative monitoring or delegate
- Investigate and report on environmental monitoring trends
15:30hrs – 15 minute break
- Check how everyone is going
- Attend site consolidation project meetings
- Conduct internal audit (about every 6 months based on schedule)
- Ensure OH&S is being followed (this is a constant thing every time I enter then lab)
- Continue tasks from earlier in the day
- Contribute to yearly budget
- Catch up meeting with lab manager
- Travel to other company sites in same city for meetings
- Examine training status of team and schedule training / update records
- Issue updated documentation and train staff if training required
- Determine if tasks scheduled for tomorrow
- Determine if there is anything that needs the later afternoon shift or night shift to be aware of
17:00 – Depart for home
Roles Held
Microbiology Technician – Microbiology Analyst – Senior Microbiologist aka “Microbiology Officer” – Quality Assurance Microbiologist – Non Sterile Microbiology Team Leader